- Wet hands and arms. Use running water as hot as you can comfortably stand. It should be a least 100˚F.
- Apply soap. Apply enough to build up a good lather.
- Scrub hands and arms vigorously. Scrub them for 10 to 15 seconds. Clean under fingernails and between fingers.
- Rinse hands and arms thoroughly. Use running water.
- Dry hands and arms. Use a single-use paper towel or a warm-air hand dryer.
- Use a paper towel to turn off faucet or to open the door if you’re leaving the restroom.
- Hand antiseptics or sanitizes should not be used in place of hand washing.
When to Wash Hands:
- After using a restroom
- Before and after handling raw meat, poultry, and fish
- Touching hair, face, or body
- Sneezing, coughing, smoking, or chewing gum or tobacco
- Clearing tables or busing dirty dishes
- Touching clothing or aprons
- Handling money
- Touching contaminated surfaces, equipment, or towels
- Before wearing or when changing gloves
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