Scrambled Eggs

Servings: 1


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine salt
  • white pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter, cold


  1. Crack eggs into a medium bowl. Add salt, and pepper. Whip with a fork until streaks are gone and color is pure yellow; stop beating while the bubbles are still large.
  2. Over medium-high heat, heat a nonstick skillet and add the oil.
  3. Add the beaten eggs. With a wooden or a nonstick-safe spatula, push eggs from one side of the pan to the other, slowly but deliberately, lifting and folding eggs as they form into curds.  Fold in cold butter before the the curds set and are still quite wet.    Cook the eggs until the curds are set and moist, about 1 1/2 -2 minutes. Serve immediately.
  4. Use fine (table) salt here as the crystals in coarse Kosher salt may not dissolve completely in the quick cooking time. Salt is essential for flavor. Salt also helps slow the protein coagulation and helps to keep the curds tender. Eggs have a fair amount of sodium naturally and salt should be use sparingly.
  5. Use white pepper here. It keeps the eggs “clean” looking and adds a more mild pepper taste.
  6. Cold butter folded in at the end, is the secret to the great flavor these eggs have. Cold butter emulsifies into the egg curd and adds a wonderful buttery flavor to the eggs. Alternatively, a good extra-virgin olive oil can be used in place of the butter for a different taste, though the eggs may take on an olive-green appearance.


Use fine (table) salt here as the crystals in coarse Kosher salt may not dissolve completely in the quick cooking time.  Salt is essential for flavor.  Salt also helps slow the protein coagulation and helps to keep the curds tender.  Eggs have a fair amount of sodium naturally and salt should be used sparingly.

Try white pepper here.  It keeps the eggs “clean” looking and adds a more mild pepper taste.

Cold butter folded in at the end, is the secret to the great flavor these eggs have.  Cold butter emulsifies into the egg curd and adds a wonderful buttery flavor to the eggs.  Alternatively, a good extra-virgin olive oil can be used in place of the butter for a different taste, though the eggs may take on an olive-green appearance.