
Cuttlefish, often mistaken for calamari or squid, has its own characteristics. The cuttlefish, with its shorter tentacles and relatively large, wide body, is also distinguished by the “cuttlebone (calcified cartilage, which is often given to caged birds). It has more flavor than its cousins and its ink sacs are highly prized in Italy and Spain.

            To clean the cuttlefish: Hold the sac in one hand and gently pull the tentacles out with the other. They will come out with most of the insides attached. Cut the tentacles where they join the head and discard the rest. Rinse well and cut into 3cm lengths.

            Pull out the cuttlebone and any remaining innards and discard. Peel off the cuttlefish’s outside skin, which comes off quite easily under running water, and discard. Rinse cuttlefish well and chop into small strips.